Bipartisan Joint Statement of State Treasurers on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

From the Treasurer

We, the undersigned State Treasurers, condemn Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The Russian invasion is a threat to democratic freedoms and global stability and cannot be tolerated. State governments invest a significant amount of public funds with some invested in Russian-domiciled companies. Actions taken by states can help the people of Ukraine by putting additional pressure on the Russian economy to force an end to this invasion. These actions are not only morally imperative, but the current crisis also constitutes a substantial risk for states’ investments and our economic security. We cannot continue to invest funds in a way that runs counter to the foreign policy and the national interests of the United States. Moreover, we choose to stand on the side of freedom and security for free and independent democratic countries.

Therefore, we support efforts at all levels of government and across the public and private sectors, which include cross-functional and multi-agency partnerships, to divest State Treasury and pension funds from investments in Russian-domiciled companies. We are committed to taking steps that include divesting as soon as possible to have the quickest and most meaningful impact on this tragic situation.


Treasurer Kimberly Yee, Arizona

Treasurer Dennis Milligan, Arkansas

Treasurer Fiona Ma, California

Treasurer Dave Young, Colorado

Treasurer Shawn Wooden, Connecticut

Treasurer Colleen Davis, Delaware

Treasurer Julie Ellsworth, Idaho

Treasurer Michael Frerichs, Illinois

Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald, Iowa

Treasurer Lynn Rogers, Kansas

Treasurer Allison Ball, Kentucky

Treasurer John Schroder, Louisiana

Treasurer Henry Beck, Maine

Treasurer Dereck Davis, Maryland

Treasurer Deb Goldberg, Massachusetts

Treasurer Rachael Eubanks, Michigan

Treasurer David McRae, Mississippi

Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick, Missouri

Treasurer John Murante, Nebraska

Treasurer Zach Conine, Nevada

Treasurer Monica Mezzapelle, New Hampshire

Treasurer Elizabeth Muoio, New Jersey

Treasurer Tim Eichenberg, New Mexico

Treasurer Thomas Beadle, North Dakota

Treasurer Robert Sprague, Ohio

Treasurer Randy McDaniel, Oklahoma

Treasurer Tobias Read, Oregon

Treasurer Stacy Garrity, Pennsylvania

General Treasurer Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island

Treasurer Josh Haeder, South Dakota

Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Texas

Treasurer Marlo Oaks, Utah

Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti, Washington*

Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Wisconsin

Treasurer Riley Moore, West Virginia

Treasurer Curt Meier, Wyoming

Treasurer Carmen Pigler, District of Columbia

Commissioner of Finance Bosede Bruce, U.S. Virgin Islands


*Solely in his capacity as elected State Treasurer