Local Government Investment Pool Advisory Committee

History and membership of the Local Government Investment Pool Advisory Committee

The LGIP Advisory Committee was created in 1995 to advise the State Treasurer on the operation of the Pool. The committee is comprised of fourteen appointed members; six are appointed by the State Treasurer and the other eight are appointed by the states associations including: Washington Finance Officers Association (WFOA)Washington Public Treasurers Association (WPTA)Association of Washington Cities (AWC)Washington State Association of County Treasurers (WSACT)Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA), and Washington Public Utilities Districts Association (WPUDA). Each member serves a three year term.

The LGIP Advisory Committee meets quarterly in Olympia, Washington. These fourteen members advise the Treasurer on LGIP operational issues, budget, and oversight of the Statewide Custody Program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the members of the committee.

Melissa Ankeny

Accounting Manager,
Clark Public Utilities
Phone: (360) 992-3495
E-mail: mankeny@clarkpud.com



Noah Crocker

Finance Director, 
City of Port Orchard
Phone: (360) 876-7023
Email: ncrocker@portorchardwa.gov


Steve Groom

Finance Director,
City of Federal Way
Phone: (253) 835-2520
Email: steve.groom@cityoffederalway.com


Toni Habegger

Assistant VP & CFO,
Eastern Washington University
Phone: (509) 359-6373
E-mail: thabbeger@mail.ewu.edu


Stacie Prada

Jefferson County Treasurer
Phone: (360) 385-9154
Email: sprada@co.jefferson.wa.us




Peter Boissonneau

Kitsap County

Phone: (360) 337-7136
Email: pboissonneau@kitsap.gov


Diane Campbell

Treasury Manager,
Port of Seattle
Phone: (206) 787-3023
Email: Campbell.d2@portseattle.org


Scott Goodrich

Finance Director,
Port of Vancouver
Phone: (360) 823-5301
Email: sgoodrich@portofvanusa.com


Heather Irelan

Director of Treasury / Treasurer,
Chelan County PUD #1
Phone: (509) 679-6305
Email: heather.irelan@chelanpud.org


Karen B. Thomas

Chief Deputy,
Whatcom County
Phone: (360) 778-5176
E-mail: kbthomas@whatcomcounty.us


Kelly Boswell

Kelly Boswell, Administrative Services Manager/Treasurer
Olympic View Water and Sewer District
Phone: (425) 774-7769 
Email: kellyb@ovwater.com


Jennifer Ferrer-Santa Ines

Finance Director,
City of Marysville
Phone: (360) 363-8017
E-mail: jferrer-santaines@marysvillewa.gov


Emily Hansen

Lincoln County
Phone: (509) 725-5061
Email: ehansen@co.lincoln.wa.us


Josie Koelzer

Franklin County
Phone: (509) 545-3518
E-mail: jkoelzer@co.franklin.wa.us





