With the State Treasurer as chair, the State Finance Committee authorizes the issuance of all bonds and other state obligations
The State Finance Committee (SFC) authorizes the issuance of all bonds and other state obligations, including financing leases, that finance capital projects authorized in the capital and transportation budgets. The SFC also acts to refinance state debt when appropriate to reduce interest costs. The SFC is composed of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and Treasurer, with the Treasurer designated as Chair.
The Legislature has authorized the SFC to delegate to the Treasurer the authority to sell and deliver bonds and other state obligations and to set the terms and conditions for each sale.
- 2025 Meetings
- 2024 Meetings
- 2023 Meetings
- 2022 Meetings
- 2021 Meetings
- 2020 Meetings
- 2019 Meetings
- 2018 Meetings
Meeting minutes for the State Board of finance (1907-1921), State Finance Committee (1921-2010), and State Building Authority (1969-1973) are accessible via the Washington State Archives.
State Finance Committee Authorizing Resolutions:
- Resolution No. 1271: Various Purpose General Obligation (VP GO) bond issuance in the 2023-25 biennium
- Resolution No. 1272: Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax/Vehicle Related Fees General Obligation (MVFT/VRF GO) bond issuance in the 2023-25 biennium
- Resolution No. 1273: VP GO and MVFT/VRF GO refunding bonds in the 2023-25 biennium
- Resolution No. 1274: Financing contracts in the 2023-25 biennium
Other Resolution Adoptions of Note:
- Resolution No. 1102: Delegating authority to Treasurer to establish method of bond sales and to adopt bond sale resolutions
- Resolution No. 1117: SR 520 MBR
- Resolution No. 1206: Appointing the Deputy Treasurer of Debt as SFC Secretary
- Resolution No. 1254: Confirming Appointment of SIB Executive Director
- Resolution No. 1266: US Bank Fiscal Agent Appointment