LGIP Forms

Forms to open or update an LGIP account

NOTE: If you need to make any change to Revenue Distribution also please contact them directly, as that access is not tied to the LGIP. You can reach the Revenue Team at Revenue.Distribution@tre.wa.gov.


LGIP Authorization Form

This form is what you will need to complete if you are a new LGIP Participant or just need to update your account. Fill out this form completely because it will replace your old form on file. All signatures are required to make the form valid.


LGIP Resolution Form

The resolution is a requirement for new LGIP Participants when opening an account. This also needs to be updated any time changes occur with the authorized individual who is allowed to sign for changes to the LGIP account.

Contact Staci Ashe to receive the current forms or if you have any questions. Please do not use any forms previously saved.  Completed forms are to be emailed to Staci Ashe.


Staci Ashe, Local Government Investment Pool Administrator