State Treasurer Requested Civil Asset Forfeiture Legislation Enacted


OLYMPIA – The Office of the State Treasurer Requested Civil Asset Forfeiture legislation that will dedicate funds collected by the state to the Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program Account was signed into law today by Washington Governor Jay Inslee.

Senate Bill 5728, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Holy (R-Spokane), dedicates all civil asset forfeiture dollars collected by the state, approximately one million dollars annually, to the Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program Account, which will maximize the impact of these funds and support an effective tool to get the needed behavioral health care resources into rural Washington communities.

“Money from drug forfeitures can be pretty substantial, so it makes sense to put this money toward a worthy cause,” said Sen. Holy.

This bill improves behavioral health access in rural areas by dedicating funds to Washington State Health Professional Loan Repayment Program, which offers loan repayment assistance to primary care health professionals who agree to practice in areas of our state where shortages impact reliable access to health care.

“I would like to thank the Governor for signing this bill into law today that supports those providing behavior health services in rural Washington,” said State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti. “This bipartisan reform means that the state treasury is no longer profiting off civil asset forfeiture enforcement.”

Senate Bill 5728 goes into effect 90 days after adjournment of the legislative session.